Inviting Collaborators to API

You can invite collaborators to each API you are working on by using the People Dialog.

People Dialog Button

Your collaborators can be invited as Viewers or Editors. Viewers can’t edit description of the API, while Editors can. However only you, creator and owner of the API, will have access to page with settings of the API.

Invited collaborators will obtain an e-mail message with invitation link. They need to follow the link in order to access the API.

You can later alter pending invitation using the gear icon in the top left corner of each card. It’s possible to resend the invitation, to change person’s role, or to cancel the invitation.

Inviting New Team Members

If you have team, you can invite new members on the People Tab of the Team Management area. On Settings Tab you can choose whether role of your team members should default to Viewer or Editor. Additionally, you can also invite new members as Administrators of the team. Teams with access to Style Guide feature can also assign members to be Architects.

Invited team members will obtain an e-mail message with invitation link. They can follow the link in order to join the team, or they can go to their User Settings and accept the invitation there.

Left pane of the People Tab allows you to filter your team members by role and also to list all pending invitations. You can alter pending invitation using the gear icon in the top left corner of each card. It’s possible to resend the invitation, to change person’s role, or to cancel the invitation.

Accepting Invitation

When you are invited to an API or a team, you should obtain an e-mail message with invitation link. To access the API or to join the team, follow the link. Team invitations are also listed in your User Settings and can be accepted from there. If you did not find the invitation in your e-mail inbox, please check your spam folder or ask team administrators to resend the invitation.

If you don’t have Apiary account yet or you’re not signed in, you’ll land on a page where you can sign up or sign in with your existing Apiary account. Sign up can be done by creating new Apiary account or by using GitHub or Twitter accounts.

Eventually you are presented with a page where you can accept the invitation. At that moment, you can still sign in as a different user before accepting (using the Not you? link).


Unfortunately, due to technical limitations, one person can’t join more than one team. In order to achieve that, the only workaround available as of now is to create another account.